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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Life's master record

I want to view life as something like a master record of things that you do in your life. If this were so, you would want to record only the best that you can be and you can do in your life.

It has long been my dream to live on my own, in my own house and living sufficiently with a job and doing the things that I want in life like maybe becoming an author and writing effective books for others to read. I want to share my ideas to the world and let them learn something for themselves as they live their lives on earth.

Having a family of my own and watching them grow and live together.

Marking yourself in the world, making something important like the important people in the world. In a way, I do not want to pass in this life by being a nobody, I want to matter to people's lives and most importantly find myself an important person even though only to my family and friends.

How do others do it? Some find it easy to find a job. Others find it easy to get rich. Some are richly blessed. Others make their marks in the world. I, too would like to become one important person. Doing for others.

I don't want to be stuck to applying for a job forever. I've been stuck in that stage for so long, actually 10 years of my life. I want to start anew. I want to make a mark of my own.

I want to do what is out there free for me to do. Like this blog. Like writing something that matters and letting other people read it. Helping needy people. Starting a business enterprise. Collaborating with other people. Engaging in my talents.

I can cook and cater to or sell food to other people with a very small capital. This way I can engage in my passion for cooking and make money on the side.

I can sell my writing.

I can sell anything.

I can draw my ideas of art.

There should be some cheap ways to engage in my passions and somehow make money for it.

What matters is that I express myself.

That I lead my life.

That I show that I care about other people.

That I matter.

That I enjoy.

That I make money, too.

And that I collect and record to life's master record and record beautiful files.

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