Ub bank account

Ub bank account
Loves Romantic 02 Bank MyNewBankAcctNum: Rommela S Untalan 109451704745 Union Bank Philippines. Feel free to deposit your tuition/educational fee. thru my blog. blog fee.;{

Friday, January 1, 2010

A promise of life

A promise to be rich. That's what I want to promise myself starting this 2010. I read somewhere that everybody has got money problems both the rich and poor. So what do i differ from the rich or the poorest none except that each day I strive to achieve my goals moneywise and non-moneywise. Sometimes I try to extend my stretch to something beyond money like being profound or having a mission. Doing God's purpose. Maybe having fame would do. Or maybe just plain having fun. I wonder what it is that awaits me.