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Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Author of Life

I think the author of life is God. And we are just all actors in this big stage of life. We may become writers of our own story in our life but God has the overall design, the overall picture. He gives us what we need. To others He gives more, to others less. So, we are all different. But we have to act upon it so that we may get what we want, too and we have some sort of control over our lives and we live happy and fulfilled lives like as we should. God gave us our minds to know what is right for us or what is wrong for us and He gives us gifts which we can make use of in our everyday lives, to live intelligently, to do the things we're interested in, to create and to develop ourselves more so that we could attain our total selves like God intended us to be. God, in His glory gave each of us our own personalities, our own gifts, to give glory for Him in this one community of God where we all live and share with each other to partake of God and all His goodness. He gives us everything we need and it is up to us how to use it to share, to love, to care for each other and to be good people as His sons and daughters who are like their Father in Heaven for we are made in His image and likeness. It is up to us to try to be happy and to live fulfilled lives according to God's purpose. If we are actors and God is the director, what character would we play?

Continuing On

Everyday you face a set of challenges and you continue to roll with the punches. You look for what life throws at you and you try to do whatever best you can with those challenges. You continue to look at your life and live the most out of what life gives you. And you ask yourself what you can give back. I'm a bit money conscious and I think that every move you make in your life needs money. Your tranportation fare, your food, your health bill, your education, your insurance, your savings, your leisure, your investments, your needs. But what if life stops giving to you - well, in my case, life stopped giving money to me. For quite a while. Where does the next drop of rain fall? How are you gonna keep your plant growing so that it will give you produce?I think some really have super abundant blessings while others kapos or lacking. I try to compare myself with others I know I'm still lucky but it just all the more gives me the challenge to make more and provide solutions to my problems. You sometimes ask yourself, am I not bold enough to get what I want or need in this life!? Why do the others get what they want? Money, fame, glory. You'd want them all. But also there's love. I hope I get the answers to my questions in life and share it with friends and family who are maybe searching too.