Ub bank account

Ub bank account
Loves Romantic 02 Bank MyNewBankAcctNum: Rommela S Untalan 109451704745 Union Bank Philippines. Feel free to deposit your tuition/educational fee. thru my blog. blog fee.;{

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

like blogging about money. though earning it seems tougher than usual.

a lot of people dont seem to need money.  they use religiosi-tee to make an excuse that they dont need money. well, hell. helter skelter.  what i mean was. without money. life would be like equivalent to hell. we are in this world. we exchange goods and resources with paper money.  and sometimes money even does not mean the bills or the coins or the prices.  but the riches we have in us.  dont get stolen! a word of advice from me.

just a private concerned, happy and wealthy blogger.
