Ub bank account

Ub bank account
Loves Romantic 02 Bank MyNewBankAcctNum: Rommela S Untalan 109451704745 Union Bank Philippines. Feel free to deposit your tuition/educational fee. thru my blog. blog fee.;{

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

ill post my new plans

so far i still want to continue blogging but i wanted to try out ebooks.  ill find out how they work out as a business or money making scheme.

ill continue with my planned products and befriends w the chinese community who are still working for the world progress coz i think i have a bit of chinese blood myself but i am more filipino entrepreneur in the making.

i have lots of talents but i refuse to make dirty money. talents is where i d pull my money from

id go on with my money blogs as a personal talent.

and try to meet up with peeps in the process.

blogs ebooks plus marketing.