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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Value of Money and Money as a Value

I think I am coming down with coughs. I was constantly thinking about money and how to make it. I have lots of plans in my mind. I think most of which I cannot accomplish all at the same time. And now, when I am sick, I feel that health is really wealth. Sometimes, you try to be busy and want to accomplish so much, and what in exchange for money. But then are you really aligned to what God wants you to accomplish in this life. Sometimes, when I think about it it is more about the sacrifices that we do for God and not solely what we wanted just for ourselves. Those could be just selfish acts. But when we sacrifice, we do it for God, we do it for others. Like for example. Joining a big company. But then in the process you lose your heart, you lose what you initially set out to do like maybe delivering talks or time to write those book ideas. Those book ideas are really divinely provided to you and not just a product of your idle imagination. God could be saying use these talents so that you can prosper and you can glorify Me.

What are you thinking? Each morning, what is it that you wanted to do. Is it solely just making money, or is it doing your passions. I am in the stage of my life where I am about to start something big. A big step towards progress and development. But I believe God has prepared me for this time in my life. Emotionally, psychologically, socially, religiously, relationally, God has prepared me all this time for this chance in my life. To reach out to others, to be with others, to help and serve others, to connect with others, to be friends with others. To be proud of who you are irregardless of seeming mistakes or miscalculations in your life. We must accept who we are because we are all different, and the experience that we have is what we carry with us, what we contribute in the forum. This is our offering to the Lord. Our lives. Our marvelous lives. Although it may be imperfect. Although it is still a work in progress. Although it seems we haven't accomplished something sufficient.

I am passionate about studying. And all this time, unemployed am I, I devoted my time to study, study of business books, business tv shows, business newspapers, business seminars. I learned all that I could thru what I can afford. And God has given me the greatest and most expensive education. Because He is my Teacher. He personally teaches me about business. He is my Professor, my Coach, my Mentor. What could be greater than that? And all I have to do is just to follow His will. That is my tuition.

And it's been exhilirating. First-hand knowledge from God. Whew! It's like Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Oxford, London Business School put together. Great! And I am still a student. Thank God. For He continues to improve me day by day. Thanks God. And my classmates, my customers, my fellow businessmen, the writers of the mags and books that I read, the suppliers, the creditors or banks, my fellow sales staff and more. God has been so great!

And so what really matters. Is you accomplish your tasks and not lose your values in the process. Being at home most of the time, means you want a home-based business more than travelling 4 hours everyday, such a waste of time.

So next time, when you think of what you want to do for the Lord, think about your heart, think about your values. God is speaking to you through these silent messages. What matters most to your heart.

For me, working at home means I could visit the garden whenever I wanted to just to pause for a break from my desk work and just flatter myself by this gift of flowers, aesthetics that Mama Mary gives to me or Jesus. God loves that much. How about you, how does God love you?

Does God love you by giving you money to afford that education program you chose for yourself? Does God love you by giving you food whenever you go hungry? Does God love you by buying you fashionable clothes or shirts for you to wear and look good in? Does God love you by making you engage in your hobbies and enthusiasm?

How does God love you? Once you notice that love from God, you will rejoice for you will realize how much He loves you in the biggest or smallest way, may it be expensive or just cheap in money value, it doesn't matter because all of these are God's gifts to His children. And what matters is that God communicates and expresses His love for us through these gifts that come from Him.

And in return, we accept these gifts and we rejoice in its goodness!

Happy loving to everyone and let us return God's love by being loving and grateful for all that He gives to us.
