Ub bank account

Ub bank account
Loves Romantic 02 Bank MyNewBankAcctNum: Rommela S Untalan 109451704745 Union Bank Philippines. Feel free to deposit your tuition/educational fee. thru my blog. blog fee.;{

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Creating biz

Creating business is such a fulfilling but tiring activity. You can spend so many hours just to create the business and so you need to find out the results for you to feel you have done something. Sometimes it is tiring coz it seems like chasing after the money and it doesn't come that easy. And the need to spend on something comes first than the chance to make money, the receiving before the giving of money, accepting and spending on something. According to your needs. Sometimes it becomes tiring because you are already tired with your efforts on making money and money doesn't come yet. But what if you already discovered how to receive money. Then you can do so much more to earn so much more money. What if you already set up the system that will make you more money for yourself? Then the money flows in freely now. Like for example learning to cut hair. Once you become good in it, you just keep on getting customers to cut hair and you're on to making great money. You have food to eat. I just wish I would learn from this simple lesson. Sometimes, they just pop in your mind like a eureka moment for scientists when they discover or invent something, a solution to a math or science problem which I believe are ideas that come from God. I hope in return I don't have to spend something if only to expect something in return. I hope I don't need to spend money to buy something which would generate income for me. I want it to come free. So, what is it? I have yet to discover. I think it will always come in the form of service that I can provide since I don't have money to buy something to sell in return. Still, I would be happy searching for it. Only, I would go hungry in the middle of my search and eat again before I can go on with my searching and see the results hopefully. In the meantime, I have my mom to support my activities. Hey, I do it for her, too! God bless everyone and may there be prosperity among the peoples of the world.