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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Give us this day our daily bread

Work is fun. It is a means of God to feed us, to give us our daily bread, to find money, to earn our keep, to nourish us and keep our bodies healthy and for us to share with one another His blessings. I believe the world is full of blessings, it's not just properly appropriated. What if you're caught in the middle of life and you suddenly need money, where will you get your money? This is where good financial management comes in. This is what I aim for in my life entirely. That not even once in my life would I have a great dire need for money or resources to sustain me or my family. Opportunities really come our way, it is just a matter of praying a lot, totally depending on God, and exerting effort, totally relying on ourselves too. How can we say that we are finally nourished, once the blessings come trickling in. I go day by day, by God's providence. I believe I will make sales transactions in my future. I have to believe it or it may not happen. I know God will provide. The funny thing is, my imagination doesn't allow me to imagine these business thoughts unlike in writing, I can readily conceptualize it in my mind, so that makes it hard and tricky for me. But I believe that God has His ways of providing us and what we just have to do is not to lose hope but forever raising our hands and catching whatever blessings He may shower upon us. In the sermons I have heard this week and the last week, I have heard about loneliness and trust in God. God is in control. We shouldn't worry. We shouldn't even care so much as in to distrust His guidance and providence. God in His infinite goodness wants to shower us with blessings and give us whatever we need in our lives. All He wants is for us to change and be good sons and daughters of Him. We should be good to our neighbors especially when there seems to be nothing for us. That's the time we learn the need of others. So that when our time of abundance comes we will be able to share whatever we have with those who are in need. Then, it is our turn to help others. For those who have two coats, may they give the other one to those who have none. If this is the attitude of every human being, then there would be no one in want, no one in need, no one to go hungry. There would be a balance of resources in the world and everybody will be happy, every need would be met. There wouldn't be beggars and scavengers to be pitied. It would also add meaning to life because we share. We do something good for others, for God. And we will be at peace! May each one do his share to share a coat, a plate of food, a glass of water to those who need it. May God bless the world, with so much love in return.

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