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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Do what you have to do

In this life, you have to do what you have to do. Time flies fast and all of a sudden you don't know problems arise before you and you don't know what to do because you are caught unaware. Some people will take advantage of you and there is nothing you can do if you are unprepared. In this life, there are no guarantees. You seem to cannot get everything that you really wanted. You just need to hold on to somebody strong so that you could still stand up in the middle of the storm. You just got to do what you have to do, in order to succeed in life, in order to answer the call of life. You need to be responsible for your own well being. You got to be responsible for yourself. Trust in God. Because your life depends on Him. That is the safest answer you can get. Trust in God. Even though He leads you to wary paths. Trust in God even if there is no food in the dessert only manna. Trust in Him when there is nobody else. Sometime, after the storm is over somebody is gonna come to give you a helping hand. Approach him and let him help you. Be humble enough to accept the help being offered. All of your problems are gonna be solved by God and so you should trust Him. Trust God that He will help you. Sometimes, in my journey, I am longing for success to find me, but it still doesn't come and so I think God leads me through the dessert and just gives me manna in the dessert. I am joyful for all the blessings that He gives to me eventhough they seem to be just enough, but no, I know they are more than enough for I cannot count them, even if I stay poor and He hasn't made me rich like the others, I still feel blessed and blessed abundantly. What if you are already doing the thing that makes your heart beat but it is still unfinished. You still aim for something better for it hasn't been given to you yet. Success is not yet at arms length. You still aren't famous or rich. Where do you go? What do you do? I could only imagine that if success is hard to achieve it makes it all harder to be poor and you are aiming for success, than to be rich and aiming for success. Would you already give up in the middle of the fight? No. You should go on. Not stopping. You should continue the journey. And I think what God is trying to teach you is not to constantly look for success and be satisfied when it comes but to find success in just doing it and imagine the number, hundreds, thousands of people that can be helped as you do your thing. Be courageous. Do what you have to do. If only to gain back some self respect, some authority, some leadership. And get away from people who disrespect you. They cannot even afford a good deed for themselves. Do what you have to do and don't be afraid. Even without money. The more that you should do it if you do it for family support. For your loved ones. For your friends. For yourself. Trust in God wherever He leads you. And definitely you will find your way.

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