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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ideas for life

I seem to be running out of ideas on how to find work. I know I can apply but this seems to be a repetitive activity that I have been doing for the past 12 years and frankly, I'm kinda tired of it. If only rejections would beface me again. Just because my resume looks that way. Just because I had short work experiences which happened while I was young and don't know a thing about staying long in a company. Why do they judge resumes that way? I wish I could say otherwise, but the past ten years of my life has been great and have no complaints except that society seem to oblige people to work and if you have no work they kinda look down on you, at least to some people. I'm gonna continue this article after the Holy Week, cause it seems like complaining and I don't really have anything else to write except my feelings towards my unemployment because you need money everyday. And it affects you if you don't have money everyday because you can't go anywhere without money. I am just wondering, I am no different from the celebrities being shown on tv and yet I don't have work while they continue to dig up money or treasures in this world. I just wonder where I can get my own treasure? If everybody rejected you for 12 years now except the ones that accepted you because of your family, what would you do?As I have said I am just gonna continue this article after Holy Week. I would try to change during the Holy Week and learn more from the recollections, the reflections on tv shows and books to read and maybe have a change of view about life afterwards. Blessed Holy Week!

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