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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Money and Time, again and again

the title speaks for itself. time is gold. time is money. you just cannot take away time from somebody.  money needs to be there everyday. without money you cannot do the things you want to do you need to do.

if you have something to accomplish in life you need money to do it.

Suze Orman said Money is Important.

i take that as a life lesson.

how to earn more moolahs than ever..

just use your talents

whatever you think of use it

avoid conflicts

if you have take up your mission

find your purpose.

live your purpose.

be creative

and love

change of mind

somebody said a change of mind will change a person. and its up to that person and to god of course. i almost forgot this blog is about money.  well you call this going thru the cycles.

life is a choice i should not forget that. i should not forget how i started this blog. as a writer. not as a complainer of sorts. a person w a vendetta. a person w a mission. just to be writer.  have to focus on what is positive and leave behind those that which do not need special attention. there are a lot of that in the world

money is important and so begetting money does not mean you have to go to a disaster or destruction of sorts. but you have to do it gracefully is you will and sometimes just for the fun of it. if you are fond of your talents being used. the most important thing is you stick to your beliefs and not sell out. sell out lovingly.  not in pangs of injustice.

focus on what is good.

and learn the lesson.

create something beautiful and do away w ugly like that things that you do not want to see with your naked eyes.

find something to do that which you love the most

influence and get influenced and do it for love.

love three times

love even more

i have to enjoy life coz that is important.

cool morning @ the place

i was walking again and never felt different i used to feel this and now here i am again trying to retrace my steps before all of this turmoil ever happened into my life.

i attended mass and it was super again and the feeling is different i prayed for my intentions.

this day i will plan for business go to the tour expo in smx moa convention center while i visit some offices in ecom bldg beside mall of asia.

as usual i will trust in God to guide me. and never part from Him.

life is just like that you take the punches you get hurt but you never ever ever forget to stand up again and go back and fight and be strong.

thats what i learned.

with love.

always with love.

and the greatest of all this is Love