Ub bank account

Ub bank account
Loves Romantic 02 Bank MyNewBankAcctNum: Rommela S Untalan 109451704745 Union Bank Philippines. Feel free to deposit your tuition/educational fee. thru my blog. blog fee.;{

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lost in thought

why am i lost in thought. anyway i can write this coz this is a free blog.  ive been planning business as usual and going back to my private practice of personal finance without incurring too much costs that are unnecessary to producing a good project.

i just travelled and i want to travel some more but in the mean time i think i have to choose the right kind of work do it wholeheartedly without any doubts in my mind and dutifully like i am doing it for my sole purpose.

i needed to attend to self. so i write with this blog later on i wish to publish and audio podcasts to use my voice.

i have to clean my inbox so i have to find the right target market for me.

to whom i will teach financial education, My Style

no holds barred, meaning no limitations.

not too frigid either.

but done freely out of passion

i cant seem to contain everything in a full platter. but one plate is enough for me not a second serving at this time. coz i want to eat dessert.

feeling relaxed as i become A Writer

the day after

well i should start business again. i kinda dropped it a few months ago for powerful praying. the problem is i got lost in the baggage counter when i was to leave to actually start business operations. hehehe. well as most successful people say nothing is too late it is never too late to start so its all in the mind really coz how else are we gonna live if we just listen to the noise of the world. let us keep our secrets inside ourselves and be stronger persons as ever eachday knowing that God loves us so much and he will never abandon us or do something wrong to us because He made us.

jazzed came from the cool town near Manila Tagaytay yesterday for the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes went to mass w my mom and took some pics. well i dont know if i can upload it here in blogger but its in my facebook account.   nice travel weve been doing it turkey three times already next time i hope we travel already w a brand new car and me driving hehehe. id be doing that this year.  life goes on.  and more travels more experience more service more fun and enjoyment and more intelligence to alien people hehehe. just joking i dont want to alienate myself from my own country which is rich and beautiful in the first place more intelligent decisions that is.    cool cool weather.

munched mc chicken havent tasted for years.

my mom fillet of fish.

and some fries and Coke.

love it live it


chow king and jollibee is missing so Mcdo Naman