Sales. I know I haven't practiced selling ever since then, since childhood, but from the way I have experienced it in my life, I think I have a secret potential in sales. First, I like people. Sales is a relationship process with your customers. You should like to be talking to other people, offering your products and creating a relationship with them. Fulfilling their needs. All i ever sold was some computer products which I have referred to an actual sales executive for my mom's firm (she was an employee of the firm and part-owner) and I did it because of helping her and not for profit. I received a commission of a measly 200-500 for that one computer and the rest of the purchases for that account, I haven't received any commissions anymore because it was handled by the manager himself. Some cosmetic products and foreign exchange. I am not the indulgent, determined type who goes into selling. I just take everything in stride and you know I'm not on the pressure to sell something. But I am definitely interested in it and definitely going into it.
There are those who are really good at it and I envy them. I just wish I share some of their talents. I have read books on sales and it seems very interesting and rewarding but sometimes, I prefer to learn it hands on and in practice rather than just read about it.
I've learned one thing, commissions are great to earn.