Ub bank account

Ub bank account
Loves Romantic 02 Bank MyNewBankAcctNum: Rommela S Untalan 109451704745 Union Bank Philippines. Feel free to deposit your tuition/educational fee. thru my blog. blog fee.;{

Wednesday, December 1, 2010



I've started a group in my Multiply site. It's called PracticalMBAs under practicalmbas.multiply.com. I'm inviting members to come in. I hope a lot of people will join since this will be like a practical MBA school where people could learn how to do business based on the practical experiences in business. Open to everybody, this group is open to all ages 4-99. Of course, that's hypothetical. In will be a school of learning in the subject of business. Where everyone can learn how to make money or do business in the world.