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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I know I am enjoying this unlimited internet time, but I don't want to waste it. I remember when I have to pay P20/ hr of internet time and I don't want to waste a single centavos for not using internet when it's on even for a few minutes. Of course, sometimes you rest, and you check your e-mail more often right now, and you can write more on your blog like for hours, and y ou don't need to write down every single detail you want to remember in the websites you go to like job details. But i try to refrain from it. Cause it is still wasting internet time and I don't want to be guilty of that. So many people do not have access to the internet and so we should be wise in making use of it even if now it becomes unlimited and you can surf all you can surf just the way you wanted to. I figured out there's gotta be a way to have free and unlimited supply of food too. Maybe by owning your restaurant and be in the food business and enjoy unlimited supply of food for your own consumption. Maybe by becoming a dealer involved in the business of food you can enjoy discounts and have a hefty discount for the food that y ou buy. Or maybe have a friend who is into the food business and ask for free food. That can happen! Maybe is you have a food business then you wouldn't have to pay so much for food on the table. Just like in other items. You can get discounts if you are a dealer or you are involved in that kind of business. In insurance too or real estate, you can be an agent and at the same time a purchaser of the product and get the commission which would act as a discount to what you paid for. If you have a business of books you can have lots of books to read and you can have them all for free because you are engaged in that kind of business. Isn't that a treat for you? And if you have lots of friends, you get invited to a lot of parties and sometimes you can get free drinks and tickets to events just because you are friends with those people. I really wish to live the rich life!

As of now, I have unlimited cable tv and unlimited internet time. I wish to use them well for my sake and for work, too. So that nothing will be wasted.

I wish I could engage in sales too for free and without splurging bucks.

I am hoping that my dreams will come true soon enough and that my happiness will be complete.

My secret mission

This is just gonna be probably short. But do you know Melinda Gordon of Ghost Whisperer? I just wish sometimes, I could be like her like helping other people in the spiritual sense. If I could play a character in a movie, I would play one like that of Melinda Gordon. I am so fascinated by it that I watched the marathon during the Holy Week. I am not saying that I want to be exactly like her but I think my secret mission in this world is to study Theology, masters and phd and then know more about God and then teach to other people. Wouldn't that be cool?

Ask and you shall receive

I just watched from EWTN some very powerful words to live by in the present. If only people are gonna ask from God then everything will go their way the way they wanted it to become and experience their life's dreams. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened up to you. That is one of my favorite verses in the bible because it speaks of God's providence to His children. I just don't know why He hasn't given me any. I don't want to be dependent anymore to my family. Sometimes, you tend to lose some self-respect when you go on in your life without a job and your family does not understand you because God keeps on blessing them while you are struggling, striving, having a hard time to make something for yourself and even for your family. When this happens, you just have to have patience, because they don't understand you at all and they just wish to be shallow and it seems like money talks and you don't have a thing to do with money. It seems very hard, but I need to do something in order for me to have something for myself. If God really provides for His children, then please give me something or at least teach me how to do it. You gave us an assurance that You will provide for us if we would only ask for blessings. There are certain things that one can ask from God such as a continuous good quality of life you are living right now until the future, self-respect, peace, love and understanding, joy and happiness. I will keep on praying and believing that all will turn out well, i will continue serving God with all my heart and mind and soul just to praise Him and for everything to turn out well in my life.

Dream businesses

Here is a list of my dream businesses:

Pre school
Gift shop
Book shop
Food shop
Video production
Car shop
Car accessories
Car wash
PC shop
Cellphone shop

Just with minimal capital

To go bigtime:

Real estate
CPA firm
Various enterprises

What more can I say?

The question is how to go to that point when I am already successful?

That's the road that I would have to discover.

In the mean time, I will read books, blogs, attend seminars, meet businesspeople, work in companies until I learn everything!!

I have read twice or thrice in different sources that you gotta work to learn first than to earn, then when you already know that's the time you will earn. Do what you love, and the money will follow because you are doing what you love.

I am writing down my dreams in my blog, but everyday I will try to work on them by taking my very first few baby steps towards my dreams, my businesses.

Before, I was content on asking money from my parents. At 34, rather a mid-age for me to start on dreaming, I figured this is the time of my maturity to ask about things in life like working on what you love, which is what's important and earning that important bucks. It must be both. And it should always involve you purpose in life. Your gifts. What you love. I always used to say use your gifts so that you will not be poor. I have started saying that during 2002. Now, it's 2010. It's about my time of maturity to take things seriously and gain some ground in doing business, in working.

Who are the people in your neighborhood, they're the people that you meet each day, as the Sesame Street song goes about the different workers you have in your neighborhood. Very profound. Very profound. When I was a kid.

I just remember that when I was very young what I remembered doing that I like was drawing or designing and writing poems. I'd like to put them on paper and display it on our shelf.

And then, in elementary and high school, playing rounders and acting in class.

I like Science, too and the academics and had high grades with them. But what I enjoyed the most, I think are the extracurricular activities. Like choral speaking where we won first prize in an interschool competition. I also competed in quiz bees within the school and interschool.

So what's my life purpose? And how am I gonna achieve that? I think my life purpose is in arts, communication and sports and business. Those are the four major areas.

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to be super rich. As to provide for my family. It is pretty frustrating that I don't do that now because God hasn't given me a job for the past 10 years and it is pretty frustrating. I don't know what they are looking for in a company. Anyway, I go on and on and just determined to go on and never giving up.

These are my dreams. I dream to be successful. And it is very important for me to do so. Very, very important. I just wish I would figure out how. Because when nobody gives you the chance, it becomes very, very hard. Anyway, I believe that everybody has his own load to carry in this world. Some carry light, some carry heavy. I think mine is just quite big enough for me, and my responsibilities in this world that God gave me to carry. It is very important that I triumph on this.

I hope that God will teach me how to become a businessperson. I think it is a gift.

If not, I hope He teaches me my purpose in life. Because, when it seems to be very hard, you tend to give up on it and try to shift ways.

When you have nothing, you can't give away anything. So I hope, I'd have something to give.

If there are steps to take, it is definitely going to people who are already there. Like attending writing classes, or joining writing clubs and learning all you can about writing, about communications.

Learn and then earn.

That's the key.

God bless us all! And keep us in His loving care.

Dreams list

I can't help but think of some of the dreams that I have that I just want to do for the sake of doing it.

Make a comic book.
Design t-shirts.
Paint on a canvas
Write songs
Make movie scripts.
Photograph people and the world.
Make a narrative of films
Write books
Write poems and stories
Design furniture and houses
Design bags
Make clothes coz I can't draw
Design shoes and sandals, but I'm not much into drawing.

You just can't find time to do them or you don't have the right materials with you.
All I do is write because I have a laptop and an unlimited supply of internet connection.

Build businesses.


Playing the guitar
Playing the drums
Playing the violin
Playing the piano

All I really wish is that I can sell my writing and so that I can make money. I really love the arts and communication and sports and business. This makes my life whole and happy. And complete. That is why when I watch tv for 10 hours a day, it would just be fine than working in accounting even for 6 hours. Yek!

If money element is into this then it would be like this:

Real estate
PC, Cellphone and airplane
Travel and tours
Cuinary and hospitality
Network and telecommunications

What is important for me then? To earn money. Even if it does not involve sales, just business. Doing it now is the answer to the problems. Estimated earnings: Millions.

Going into sales

Call it what you want. Customer service, marketing, sales, negotiations, business development. You name it. It all falls under the same job category. Its sales! Do you believe that everybody can be a salesman. I believe so. If not then why are you born into this world. Everybody has convincing powers, at least to their families, relatives, classmates and officemates. The only difference that salespersons have from those who are not salespersons is that they made it their calling, their profession. But that's it. Anybody can be a salesman. That's what I believe. We need to convince our parents from time to time of things we want to ask from them like a new toy, or a new dress or shoes, or electronic gadget. We need to talk to classmates about our projects and extracurricular activities or when just having fun. We need to talk to our officemates about certain business we have in the company or when off office hours during our leisure time. We all make convincing in some parts of our lives and we do it because we live in this world. We are alive. This is like a very popular activity that we do amongs ourselves and we keep on doing it because we are in this world. We need things, we need to live, we need faith, we need courage and we need association. We need relationships. I somehow feel the difference now that I am considering going into sales about myself, about my personality. To be more outgoing, to be more relational, to have more friends, to have more associates. And thus, to have more sales income. It is a very rewarding career. A very satisfying activity. I hope I can give more to this profession. I hope to make the big income this calling promises to its adherents. I hope to serve others by being a professional salesman. And I think to embark on this activity is really indeed very exciting. And it opens up your world to a whole new world there is around us like I can continue now my plans to go on with my studies grad or undergrad. I can pursue the career I wanted cause I have enough money already to go to billiard classes or to go into acting. I can purchase a car or a batch of cars. I can now have my own home. I can now travel. I can share my money with my family and with the needy people. I can establish some foundations. And I can embark more on businesses to further my ambitions of becoming an entrepreneur and become rich. Selling is really a rewarding activity. I hope I can learn all I can about it and enjoy it while I do it. Hope I can meet people too and relate with them and forge a long-term relationship with them. If I do this everyday, if this becomes a habit then everything would just become easy and satisfying in the long run and it won't be far until I attain success. I would do it for myself. And that is very important. There are so many reasons to do it and the time to do it is now. Not tomorrow or the next day but now. No need for procrastination. If I find myself still groping in the dark in this field of sales then so be it but I won't stop until I become a very good salesperson. Thanks to God, I see myself as such and thanks for the dreams! I hope all this motivation is enough for me to finally achieve something and earn some money for my needs and other people's needs. We all need to work in order to survive and for the reason that you have to have some self-respect when you indeed work. I hope I find a passion always and see the advantages of going into sales. And I hope to meet a lot of friends along the way and get involved in their lives as you strive to make a life for your own.