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Monday, June 14, 2010

How to succeed in life

To succeed in life, you have to do what you want to do. Even if you don't have money. For me, making money is one of the things that I want to do in life. I want to be a businessman. I am inspired by success stories of people who became businesspersons even from poverty. I want to emulate them. How does a poor person become a taipan in business and build his business empire. I think it is a gift. A gift from God. And so I believe that God gives so much to His children here on earth. You just need not have a scarcity mentality. You need to believe that there are bountiful of blessings being given by God in this world. You need to believe that God provides for all His children. One of the things that you may opt for is recognition. It is a sense of achievement. To be a writer or journalist. To write books. To have a website. To write reports. Anything that you can create. Anything that you can give out to this world. Anything that you can share. Any talent or skill or creation that you can give to this world. Whatever it is you want to do in this world, just do it! There's got to be nothing that stops you. Even being poor. Even not having money. Even if it seems impossible. You just gotta do it. To fulfill your destiny. Becoming a speaker is one of my dreams too. Talk before people. Talk about life, business, God, love. Anything from which people can learn. More importantly is to connect with people, try to help people, in their problems, in their lives, give to them what is needed, what is wanted, to make this world go round. Achieve dreams, reach out for goals, surpass yourself once in a while. Go for your dreams! And attract wealth. Attract positivity. You can be the person you want to be. You can achieve anything you want to achieve. With God's providence and grace. With God's permission. With God's will. Believe in yourself. There's no other like you. You're the best person you can ever be. There's only one you in this world so you gotta be proud of yourself. You gotta promote yourself. You gotta market yourself. Be positive. And achieve things. Anything you put your mind to you can achieve. Do what it is that is close to your spirit. Fulfill your mission. Create your destiny. You are the master of your universe. You are the captain of your soul. You are an individual. You are a child of God. You are the child of the Most High, the boss, God, our Father, our Provider, our Savior. God in all His goodness would give everything that we want if we deserve it and if we work hard for it. You just got to use your talents. Bring out the goodness that God has put in you, your gifts, and give it to the world. That's the road to success.

Some aspirations

1. To be a speaker.

2. To establish organizations.

To be respected, to be financially independent, to achieve, to help out children, to fight poverty, to make a person happy, to solve all problems, to trust God, to be rich, to be in mission, to be famous and well known, to have good relationships, to have abundance.

Work out to be a good salesman.

Be a good writer.

Be a philantrophist.

Be industrious, be determined, be persistent, be diligent, be intelligent!

Be happy!

What is it that you are abundant with? What is it that you can already share with others? Writing.

So be good in it.


So be good in it. Learn it.


So be good in it. Try it.

And do it now.

Don't wait.

Don't wait till tomorrow.

Do it now.

Set it in your mind and do it.

Just start doing it.

Don't plan it for it will all be plans.

Start achieving. The more you achieve, the more you become good at it.

And always dedicate yourself to being good at the things that you set out to do.

Don't mind if you are just starting to do it while all the others are already senior or experts in the field. Remember there's always room for somebody new in the business. There's always room for you.

So start now. Act now. And see your results.

My options

To summarize my options:

First, I got to be a STOCKBROKER.

Then, I got to be an Accountant first.

Then, I would go into Real estate, Banking and merchandising.

My projects:



Helping out the needy

Such is a wonderful, wonderful strategy that I hope I can fully do with the available resources that I have. I have a goal of achieving so much in my life for the world. I love helping others and just to be able to do things that I want to do for others is already a big accomplishment. God be so willing, I can do all the things that I set my mind and my heart into. I hope to do God's work and so we will be working together to achieve the things that He gives unto me.

I know having discovered the How to be a Stockbroker seminar is God's will. I know it was a chance but a chance that God did for me. I love stocks and have long wondered how I could get into it. I hope to learn everything I can learn about stocks until I become an expert, an authority. I would like to devote the rest of my life to this mission. God be so willing. May He prosper me in this as in other things that I propose to have. I know it's just a matter of time before I fully discover the new things to be discovered in becoming rich. If I could just do under His guidance. He is our Father and the source of all blessings in life. He is the Provider. He wants us in the bible to be good financial managers and so I would be taking up this call and start becoming responsible in this aspect of our lives. I would deliver well. I would study well. I know I have lots to learn. And I continue on learning, as I have studied for so long like maybe 10 or 12 years in the making. I know I have something in me that wants to start something for myself. I know I can be a leader in my endeavors and enterprises to start with. I know that I have lots of potential for God made me to have talents and skills. I know I can use them for others' good. Please help me God in all the things that I want to do in this world and for all the people in the world. May I bless others in the process. Making money is so much fun when you know you do what you want and you know you are helping other people in their needs.

Doing what you want.

The interest in Art.

I love fashion and so maybe I could study about art. Maybe I could study about fashion designing and dressmaking.





Interior Design



There is really a world of opportunities out there. So just grab 'em.

But of course, you need money.

And so you need to learn the art of making money.

Is there a formula?

What if your same old formula doesn't work anymore for you?

You gotta think of new things to do.

And I am in that process.

Life's gotta be more than just about money.

You gotta like what you're doing.

And that's a must.

Life is not for free.

It comes with a price.

A hefty price.

A strategy to earn money

I have a major plan that is to become a STOCKBROKER. I am doing this right now. But I want it to succeed. I want it to be my mission. I want it to be my lifetime career. But in the meantime, to fund the projects I would like to do, I think I am gonna practice accountancy. Maybe I could get a few thousand pesos from it just to have lunch money and some fundings for my projects. Just so until I learn how to become a salesperson. I needed to learn about sales. Aside from stocks, I would go into real estate, banking and merchandise. I just need to learn about sales. I got to learn how to deal with customers. I got to relate. I got to be of service to them. I need to be customer-oriented. I need to devote my time for them. And most of all, I got to enjoy doing all these things. I just need to do the things necessary for me to become a good salesperson for me and for others. So that I could earn good money.

Your mission in life

What do you think is your mission in life? Is it all just about earning money? Then living a life here on earth would just be all about earning money and that is just very basic and not be profound in any way. But if you put your job as your mission, then that would mean something else. Can you consider your job as your mission on earth? For me, it is very important that your job is your mission. Life is so short to waste it away on things that you don't want to do. As for me, I love writing and so I am writing right now on this blog even if I don't earn something out from it. But I am hoping to. I believe that part of my mission too is to earn something for myself and my family, to be rich, to involve myself in various big enterprises. So, I should be working on that too and I just go too even if the odds go against me. I just got to be strong. Thirdly, I want to help out the needy, feed the hungry children, send them to schools, take care of them, inculcate values in them, give them support as in family. For these endeavors, I need to have money for them. Seriously. And so I busy myself with figuring out how to fund my projects. First, writing. Second, business. Third, helping the needy. I just got to do what my heart desires. Or I would be incomplete. I would be unfulfilled. God help me to do these things for others.

To make a more fulfilling life

I was wondering what I can do to have a more fulfilling life. I haven't really solved my financial problems yet but i am most determined to do that. Without the help of my mom, I wouldn't be able to do the things that I am able to do such as going out to fairs and seminars just to learn what I can do for myself and my family to earn a decent living. To make something crucial out of it as in affect by life in a big way. Feed me, feed my family, to have a meaningful life like taking trips abroad, owning a beautiful piece of land, sending me to school, having a car or cars. I was wondering how i am different from those who have already succeeded in their careers. Were they more courageous? More disciplined? More open? More positive? Were they winners? Were they leaders? Do they talk more than me? Do they welcome each person that comes into their lives? How are they able to make more money? Are they more blessed by God than me? Are they kinder? Or we are the same but it's just that they chanced upon what they do best and they deliver it. I wanted so much to happen in my life. I am happy in my life but there are things missing that I look for in my life to become more fulfilling. I dare ask for help from others, to connect, to relate, to know and let know what is happening in my life. I discovered that in each move you make you should have money and so I start to categorize myself to those who have money problems like those who look for food for the next day. I wish to have their tenacity. I wish to make a difference in my life, to fulfill my destiny. To make use of my talents in a great way. To engage in activities which makes me alive. To help out other people in need.
To feed myself, to feed my family. That is what's important for me. Could you see me? Do you know where I'm coming from? I'm in a position of need. Could you help me? Could we help each other out? Can we become courageous and be bold enough to do the things that we want to do in our lives without being afraid of anything? Be not afraid for I am with you wherever you go. Trust in the Lord. Do not be lonely. Reach out to others? Others exert effort too just to meet their daily needs. We are all the same. We are one and the same in the eyes of God. I wish heaven could be on earth. I wish everybody could have a warm roof above them on a cold, cold night. I wish everybody love. Love. It's the only thing that can save us. God. God is love.