venturing into personal finance lately. misses blogging. misses the concept of blogging. will study further how to write. right now just looking for more books on writing. an d maybe conduct my own writing classes. write and write until you get noticed. until you get published. i was once also adviced to start blogging becoz of my wonderful posts on facebook platform. so i also tried. i started blogging also coz somebody told me to try it out. now i havent stopped. i must admit i left for a little while and my two platforms for blogging. but now i hope to really go back into it. been busy so much with facebook and internet marketing. i am ready to find other platforms that are as equally great or more useful. i hope something comes up so that more peeps will be served.
personal finance like consultation can be thru phone. emails, texts, or mobile communication. personal meet ups. computer platforms like facebook twitter and other blogs. or personal activities. like personal advice. and the likes.
wish to meet up clients in a coffee shop to talk about their finances. about finance. scrutinize their finance and look where the problem usually lies.
becoming a finance guru is also an avenue. teaching about finance. selling financial plans. and the likes. also entrepreneurship.
my own version. not found on books. but found on mags that i have read all throughout these 15 years. and continuing edu and studies.